Sunday, August 09, 2009

A Scare

We had a scare this past week with Grace. Day care called to report that she was broken out in a rash - very widespread. They were worried about chicken pox or some other virus. Tom picked her up and took her to the doctor that afternoon. It turned out to be a reaction to bug bites. Thank God.

Of course I was scared out of my wits. The last few times Grace got really sick, she caught whatever was going around. I waited with bated breath for Tom to call me and let me know the outcome. As I didn't hear from him and I didn't have any messages from him, my mind imagined the worst - she spiked a fever, went into seizure and was at the hospital. We have been warned that if she gets chicken pox, we should expect to spend about two weeks in the hospital until the fevers pass. I rationalized that Tom didn't call because he was too busy handling the situation. I started making arangements to be out of work for a few days. I was prioritizing what had to be done and who could handle it and figuring out what could wait. While I was busy with my planning, Tom and the girls were enjoying the newest Disney flick, G-Force at the movie theatre! Tom didn't think I needed to be told right away that Grace only had bug bites.

Grace is behind in some vaccinations but she did have her chicken pox vaccine - the first dose. She is scheduled to get the second dose within the year. When Tom first called the pediatricians office, they said that she is not fully covered with the vaccine until she gets the second dose. Of course, this news just fueled my paranoia. Since Grace's seizures are often triggered from the fever she spikes associated with vaccinations, we needed to slow down the schedule and at times halt them altogether for a while. We are almost caught back up!

Aside from a lot of bug bites on all of us, we are doing fine. Grace passed the 5 month mark from her last seizure. A long time ago someone promised Grace something 'special' if she could make it six months seizure-free. At the time, we all just kind of laughed and thought this would never be possible. I am beginning to entertain the possibility that she just may make it to that magical six month mark. Of course, Gracie does not realize that a promise was ever made. Tom and I like to tease the person who made the promise. In reality, this promise is a reminder that there is always hope - a hope that seemed impossible just one year ago.

Thanks for checking in!



  2. Even though I am not with gracie anymore I still think of her . Hopefully all will stay calm . Take Care

    Ms Trudy
