Tuesday, July 07, 2009

It's been a while...

Sorry for the delay in posting..we just got busy with all kinds of good things! Rita finished kindergarten. We attended a travel group reunion with Gracie's travel group. We went to Florida for a short visit with our friend Shamu! We had breakfast with Alice in Wonderland and Mary Poppins. We are starting to adjust back to 'normal'. Rita is going back to Just Children, the day care center where she was prior to kindergarten. It is great to have both girls at the same place again - only one drop off and pick up!

Grace remains seizure-free. We passed the four month mark while we were on vacation. WooHoo!! The changes in Grace are evident. She is definately speaking more and singing and dancing more! It does our hearts good to see a happy and otherwise healthy three year old emerge from the fog she has been living under. Grace is definately more sneaky these days though!! Grace sneaks snacks - actually crumbs of snacks - that she should not be eating. She is begging for food again but this time she is asking only for 'a baby one'. She tried to reason with us to get more food. One of her favorites is when we give her a choice. She will select food A and when it is gone she changes her mind. At that point she says, "I no want xxx." and then she goes for the second food. She gets an A+ for effort with trying to get more carbs!

Grace seems to have tired of peanut butter just a bit. We were at the point that we were carrying a jar of peanut butter and a spoon everywhere we went. While we were on vacation, she started eating peanuts and cashews. She has developed a real taste for the cashews. I handed her a small bagt this evening and she cradled and snuggled it like it was a baby! Even though Grace's tastes go in cycles, I am happy to be able to add new foods to the repotoire.

Thanks for checking in on us. I will try to keep the updates a bit more current!

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