Monday, November 30, 2009

Back in the hospital

Gracie is back in the hospital tonight. She has pneumonia - again.

She had a seizure this afternoon while outside playing with Rita and two friends. Apparently, Grace felt it coming on and just sat down in the grass. She then laid down and started to shake. Rita came running in the house yelling that Grace was laying down just staring up at the sky and she was shaking. I grabbed the Diastat, the medicine to stop the seizure, and ran out while Tom just ran. We took her inside and gave her the medicine - the seizure did not react. After 5 minutes we gave her another dose and called for the ambulance. Gracie's seizure lasted about 25 minutes total and she did not wake up afterwards. The doctor and medical team at the local ER were quite concerned. When Tom and I got to grace in the yard, her head was on a piece of wood (for landscaping). We don't know if she hit her head or not. She had a CT scan and everything was fine - although it did confirm sinus congestion. She had a chest x-ray and it confirmed pneumonia - in both lungs.

Apparently there was some concern that she was in septic shock again. The transport plan to move from the local hospital to CHOP called for her to go to the PICU. By the time the transport team from CHOP arrived to get her, Grace had finally woken up a bit - enough to alleviate some of the fears the doctors had. She was taken to 7-West - Neurology. As she arrived at the room, she finally started to speak again - my sign that things will be alright. She is being treated for pneumonia and there are plans to start respitory therapy in the morning.

Thanks for checking in on us and please take a moment to say a quick prayer for Gracie's healing.

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