Monday, November 09, 2009

The Flu has struck

Well, Gracie's illness turns out to be the flu. We were giving her Motrin and Tylenol every few hours - the maximum allowed doses. She was still running a fever - up and down. With one of the spikes today, it triggered another seizure. We did not call 911 and rush her to the hospital as we were not sure what they would do for her. We called her pediatrician and left a message. When she called back the message was, these symptoms sound like the flu that is going around. Grace needs to be at CHOP. Are you comfortable taking her or shall we send an ambulance? (We drove on our own - no need to wait for an ambulance - I am faster :-) )

We expected very long lines at CHOP but there were very few people in the ER waiting room when we got there. Grace was triaged rather quickly and then seen rather quickly as well. It was quickly determined that she had the flu. The big question was how her fever was so high when she was on full doses of Tylenol and Motrin, back to back. It turns out that she may have a secondary bacterial infection. We were given the option to take her home after a dose of IV antibiotics or to leave her there for observation and monitoring. We chose to have her stay there at least for the night. For me, this was too much of a reminder of what we went through in March with the pneumonia that turned into septic shock - we don't need a repeat of that. Grace got a room in 7-West - the Neurology floor. It was a good thing because the first thing they did was order the sedative that will help prevent additional seizures while she battles these fevers.

Grace is in good hands. We hope that she bounces back quickly and does not experience any additional seizures.


  1. Oh my goodness Gracie! Hurry up and get better! Ms. Donna and your friends at Just Children miss you. We are all praying for a quick recovery. xoxoxo
