Thursday, January 22, 2009

What's Cooking?

Tom got a brand new wok for Christmas and sad to say, the girls sitting in it is the only action the wok has gotten so far! We also got a new set of pots and pans that have yet to be christened.
The food Grace needs to eat is in very small containers and gets cooked or heated in very small pots and pans. We end up having to cook Grace's meals singly so that things get weighed out correctly. Then we tend to do the same thing for everyone else so that Grace does not feel she is being treated differently. At the moment, we are very much focused on fostering Grace's acceptance of the diet. She is aware that she is eating different food and she wants the same.
The keto team at CHOP keeps telling us that 'keto kids are kids first'. So I guess what we are dealing with is a normal three year old who wants to be fed the same thing she sees everyone else eating. As much as this is a challenge, it is a blessing. Grace continues to be a normal child on an abnormal diet. We are extremely grateful for that. We will learn to deal with the abnormal diet. The adjustments needed are so worth the outcome - or as my high school history teacher used to say - the ends justify the means!
Thank you for all of the prayers and good wishes. We firmly believe that they are doing Grace a world of good.
Thank you!
Marie, Tom, Rita and Grace

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